Deborah + Sandy

September 16, 2023 • San Francisco, California

Deborah + Sandy

September 16, 2023 • San Francisco, California

Q + A

Q: What will the weather be like?

September is generally lovely -- low 70s in the daytime and mid-50s at night. That said, this is San Francisco, so check the forecast before you pack. And it's always best to bring layers, whatever the outing or occasion.

Q: Will there be free valet parking at the church?

YES! So, don't worry about needing to find parking Saturday morning.

Q: Where is the church located?

Our church -- the Episcopal Church of St. Mary the Virgin -- is on the corner of Union and Steiner Streets in San Francisco's Cow Hollow neighborhood.

Q: What's with the pond in the church courtyard? That fresh water you see pouring into the goldfish pond isn't pumped or recycled -- it's one of San Francisco's few remaining untamed springs, and helped quench the thirst of the neighborhood for a while after the 1906 earthquake broke waterlines and pipes. Cool, huh? We're all in this together.

Q: Why shouldn't guests send or bring gifts? Really?

Yes, really! Sandy and Deborah are downsizing and don't need more stuff. We are so delighted to have your love, support and companionship -- really, truly, that is the gift we most treasure, and all that we need. Thank you!